Wedding Day Photography (2P1A)
$20,880 (by kammy) | $14,880 (by team)1 Snap Photographer
1 Standard Photographer
1 Assistant
7 hours shooting in a row within service hour
unlimited number of photo shooting
all photos with color grading
one year online album
$23,880 (by kammy) | $17,880 (by team)1 Snap Photographer
1 Standard Photographer
1 Assistant
coverage from 8.30am to 10.30pm
unlimited number of photo shooting
all photos with color grading
one year online album
*Service hour : 8.30am -10.30pm
*OT Charge $250/per half hour for each crew member (working out of 8.30am -10.30pm)
*Round-trip taxi fee for crew is required+$2,000 for online instant group photo services