Local Prewedding Package
FULL DAY$14,880 (by kammy) | $10,880 (by team)
6 hours services
all photos with color grading (approx. 350 photos)
38 retouched photos
one wooden photo album (12”x12”,32 pages)
one 50cm x 70cm canvasone year online gallery
$11,880 (by kammy) | $7,880 (by team)
3.5 hours services
all photos with color grading (approx. 250 photos)
24 retouched photos
one wooden photo album (10”x10”,20 pages)
one year online gallery
TOP UP Services
Prewedding video by GALA Creation
+$5,000one 30s trailer video one 2 mins full version video
Make-up an hair styling
+$1800-2800 (halfday)
+$2600-$3800 (fullday)
Gown - up to 50% off
bouquet offer - up to 15% off
*location rental excluded
*traveling time included in the service hours
*OT charge $1,900 per hour
*one pre-production online meeting will be held around 1 month before shooting